ST-601 Inline Chlorine Dioxide Sensor

Measure the % Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide.

Measure for the Real-Time Mass/Mass Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) at a range of 0–0.35% (0-3,500ppm)! Wirelessly monitor, calibrate & configure this sensor via uPyxis® by connecting it to the MA-WB Bluetooth® Adapter.

CE Mark



The ST-601 inline sensor is uniquely designed to measure the real-time (mass/mass) concentration of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). This smart sensor measures the optical absorbance of the ClO2 solution using a UV light source. The sensor has a built-in reference light source and a reference light detector in addition to the main light source and main light detector.

Furthermore, the ST-601 offers an expanded range and a RTD temperature output signal. This feature allows users to measure Chlorine Dioxide as high as 0.35% (mass/mass) and obtain a temperature measurement, useful when required to consider the impact of atmospheric temperature conditions on variable ClO2 concentration readings.

Our ST-601 can be connected to any device that accepts an isolated or non-isolated 4–20mA input or RS-485 Modbus. It also can be monitored, configured and calibrated via uPyxis (if connected to the MA-WB Bluetooth® Adapter).


  • Can Connect to the Suction or Discharge Side of the Bleach Pump using an Inline Tee or 1/4inch Teflon Tube
  • Calibrate & Configure the Sensor Wirelessly via the uPyxis® App (Only when Connected to the MA-WB Adapter)
  • Diagnostic Information can be Displayed Digitally via Modbus RTU
  • Offers Expanded Range & a Temperature Signal Communicated via 2-Channel 4–20mA and RS-485 Output, Modbus RTU
  • Easy to Remove from your System


Item ST-601
Part Number 50232
Target % ClO2 in Solution
Typical Application Produced ClO2 Solution
Concentration Output Range (4-20mA) 0.01-0.35% mass/mass (RTD Compensated)
Temperature Output Range 4mA – 0 °C / 32 °F
20mA – 100 °C / 212 °F
Resolution 0.01 in Percentage
Accuracy ±2% of Reading or 0.1 Percentage, Whichever is Greater
Method UV Absorbance
Power Supply 22-26VDC, 2W
Outputs Isolated 4x20mA Analog
Isolated RS-485 Modbus
Dimension 6.8in L, 1.44in D
Weight 0.37lbs
Installation 1/4″ OD (6.4mm) Clear Teflon Tubing passed through the sensor optical channel
ST-001 Inline Tee
Material UPVC
Pressure up to 100psi (6.9Bar)
Temperature Operating: 4-50 °C (40-120 °F)
Storage: -7-60 °C (20-140 °F)
Cable Length 5ft (Bulkhead Cable with IP67 Adapter – 7Pin)
1.5ft (Flying Lead Cable with IP67 Adapter – 7Pin)
Optional Extension Cables Available
Calibration Two Point Calibration against Standard Solutions
Rating IP67
Regulation CE + RoHS

Support Documents


ST-600 Series Data Sheet

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