SP-910 Fluorometer + Colorimeter + Turbidimeter



A multi-parameter and multi-wavelength fluorometer, colorimeter and turbidimeter specifically designed for Municipal, Environmental and Industrial water analysis.

CE Mark



The SP-910 is a multi-parameter and multi-wavelength fluorometer, colorimeter and turbidimeter. It is designed for Municipal, Environmental and Industrial water analysis. For industrial water treatment applications it uses a fluorescent tracer . The SP-910 is integrated with directly read and test for Fluorescein and PTSA. Furthermore it uses industry standard colorimetric and Pyxis Lab® reagents to provide colorimetric measurements at 7 LED wavelengths. The SP-910 is pre-calibrated for colorimetric measurements common in industrial water treatment and water testing in the laboratory.

In multiple side-by-side comparison studies, the SP-910 has proven to be  more accurate than other devices on the market. The SP-910 contains multiple methods complaint with USEPA guidelines for drinking water and municipal water application analysis as well as True Turbidity (White Light/InfraRed) direct read method. The SP-910 also contains numerous unique Pyxis Lab direct read and wet chemistry methods not available in other market devices.


  • Direct-Read Fluorescein & PTSA
  • True Turbidity Measurement – White Light / InfraRed LED
  • 7 LED Wavelengths & 65+ Built-In Reagent Based Methods
  • Add User Defined Methods via uPyxis® app
  • Bluetooth® Enabled for Wireless Data Transfer & Firmware Updates via uPyxis®
  • Display a Concentration-Time Profile Curve during Color Development
  • Maximum Rejection to Sample Color & Turbidity Interference

Colorimetric & Unique Pyxis Lab® Methods

 Pyxis Lab® and other industry standard solid/liquid reagents are directly compatible for use with the SP-910. Both 10mL and 25mL sample vials are available for use with the SP-910 and all tests offer live graphical display of real-time reading as test occurs. Pyxis Lab® has also developed and provided numerous unique colorimetric and fluorescent test methods integrated into the SP-910 that are not available in other market colorimeters. These include:

  • Direct-Read Bleach Concentration
  • Direct-Read Nitrite Dioxide
  • Calcium
  • Alkalinity
  • Sulfite
  • Non-Hazardous Zinc


Item SP-910
Part Number 50603
PTSA 0-300ppb
Fluorescein 0.0-600.0ppb
Colorimetric Wavelength 365/420/455/525/560/570/630 nm
Turbidity Excitation Wavelength White & IR LED
Fluorescence Excitation Wavelength 365/470 nm LED
Fluorescence Emission Wavelength 410/525 nm LED
Wavelength Accuracy ±1nm
Absorbance Reproducibility 0.005au (0-1.5au) (3Sigma)
Absorbance Linearity Range 0-1.0au
Fluorescence Reproducibility 0.3ppb PTSA / 0.03ppb Fluorescein (3Sigma)
Fluorescence Detection Limit 1ppb PTSA / 0.1ppb Fluorescein
Turbidity Range 0-200NTU
Turbidity Detection Limit 1NTU
Battery (4) AA Alkaline Batteries, 6 Months Life
Display Graphical LCD 160x240px, Visible under direct sunlight
Dimensions & Weight 180x80x38.5mm (7.1×3.1×1.4in)
380g (0.85lbs) without batteries
Storage Temperature 0-140 °F (-18-60 °C)
Operation Temperature 40-106 °F (4-41 °F)
Humidity 85% at 106 °F (41 °C)
Environmental IP67
Regulation CE / RoHS

Support Documents

SP-910 Operation Manual_V1.9

SP-910 Portable Water Analyzer Procedures Manual

SP-910 Data Sheet


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