OXIPANEL™ PLUS IK-765SS-BP Series Auto-Brushing Oxidizer + pH + ORP Inline Analyzers for Challenging Water Applications

F-Cl, Br, Dechlorination or ClO2 Challenging Water Analyzers.

The IK-765-B PSeries are multi-parameter inline water analyzers designed as a ‘Turn-Key’ monitoring solution for challenging water applications. The IK-765-BP series offers accurate, real-time measurement, display and data-logging of Free Chlorine, Bromine, Chlorine Dioxide, Total Chlorine, or Dechlorination (Sulfite + Free Chlorine) plus pH, ORP & Temperature.
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The OXIPANEL-PLUS IK-765-BP series are pre-mounted inline multi-parameter analyzers with integrated ultrasonic flow control. They are specifically designed as a ‘Turn-Key’ monitoring solution for challenging water applications. These include cooling water, food, industrial process water, raw water and treated waste water. This product offers highly accurate, repeatable, and real-time measurements of multiple oxidizer species. As well as pH, ORP and temperature utilizing proprietary Pyxis Lab smart sensor technology. Couple this with a Pyxis UC-80 color touch screen display and data logging terminal. As well as the Pyxis FS-100 ultrasonic flowmeter with regulating valve. The OXIPANEL-PLUS also incorporates the uniquely designed FR-300-PLUS automated mechanical brush flow assembly to maintain optimum sensor electrode cleanliness in the most challenging water where conventional membrane amperometric or wet chemistry analyzers would fail.

The OXIPANEL-PLUS IK-765-BP series are offered in four sensor formats depending on the desired oxidant being measured. The panel is designed with the propriety Pyxis ST-765SS Series smart sensor platform based on application needs. The ST-765SS Series sensors measure Free Chlorine (FCL), Total Chlorine (TCL), Bromine (Br) or Chlorine Dioxide (CLO). In addition to pH, ORP and temperature of the sample water. This Pyxis sensor design is membrane-free and based on unique principles incorporating Pyxis’ advanced technology of bare-gold electrochemical detection. All versions of the ST-765SS-Series sensor measure the oxidant level and pH simultaneously. Performing temperature and pH compensation for the measurement of oxidant based on conditions present in the application of use.


Each OxiPanel-PLUS panel comes with the FR-300-PLUS mechanical brushing flow assembly to ensure constant electrode cleanliness and the UC-80 color touch screen display and data logging terminal. This unique platform with internal sensor compensation results in a highly accurate oxidizer measurement consistent with DPD wet chemistry methodology as high as pH 9.0+ and meets EPA-334.0 and ISO-7393 compliance. The OXIPANEL-PLUS series also offers the FS-100 ultrasonic flow sensor and motor valve control module providing precise measurement and control of the incoming water sample flow based on user defined set point without the challenges commonly associated with mechanical flow measurement in dirty water applications.


See Support Documents for Full Specifications!

Support Documents

IK-765SS-BP Series OxiPanel PLUS – User Manual Ver 1.0

IK-765SS-NCL-BP OxiPanel PLUS – User Manual Ver 1.0

IK-765SS-O3-BP Ozone OxiPanel PLUS – User Manual Ver 1.0

OXIPANEL Plus – Data Sheet

Replacing Electrode Head Document


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