CL2H (0–10ppm) Ultra-High Range Chlorine Powder Pillow Reagent

100 Powder Pillow Reagents for High Range Chlorine Tests.

These powder pillow reagents are recommended for laboratory use to determine High Range CHlorine concentrations (Cl2-H). For best results use with a Pyxis Lab® handheld device that utilizes a 10mL sample vial for testing (SP-800, SP-910).



These powder pillow reagents are recommended for laboratory use to determine High Range Chlorine concentrations at a range of 0–10ppm. Test for Calcium Hardness in the field, with no more need to run back to the lab and conduct a boring titration test. For best results use with a Pyxis Lab® handheld device that utilizes a 10mL sample vial for testing (SP-800, SP-910). Arrives in a pack of 100 powder pillow reagents.


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